Voices of Purpose

Need help creating inspirational, unique content for your purpose-driven organization?


Voices of Purpose, memorable first-person storytelling proving the power of purpose.

My recent book, The Purposeful Nine, spotlights inspiring businesses and organizations that are a force for good. Each story comes alive through the first-person voices of founders, CEOs, employees, partners, nonprofits and community leaders who directly experience the benefits of conscious capitalism.

Voices of Purpose is a short-form, bite-sized, modular version of this content strategy. We create unique content – this is not Chat GPT – that captures personal perspectives acquired from custom, one-on-one interviews.

Purpose impact

We discuss and brainstorm the most relevant purpose impact areas you want to emphasize. One purpose-focused theme (selected by our clients) is emphasized in each story we create. Here are a few examples; there are many possibilities:

Employee lives positively impacted by employers;
business financial performance measurably improved;
communities enriched by corporate citizenship;
student futures transformed;
recruitment and retention bettered

Each story unfolds with attributed quotes, character and plot development, emotion, challenge and tangible impact.

Connecting with your spokesperson stakeholders

As purpose professionals, we represent your organization with knowledge, confidence and relevance. Leveraging decades of interviewing experience, we thoughtfully build rapport with your spokesperson stakeholders, conduct great interviews and capture memorable stories of impact.


Adding first-person insight to your purpose-driven content is transformational:

RESONATES emotionally (heart + head)
PROVES the power of purpose authentically & memorably
VALIDATES positive impact through credible third parties
INSPIRES other businesses
SUBSTANTIATES competitive advantage

Flexible content development

The initial content we create for businesses, universities, nonprofits and social enterprises is the foundation for other Voices of Purpose applications. You can start with one purpose story angle or develop several at once. Our process is custom and flexible.


– Employees
– Community
– Partners
– Management
– Students
– Customers
– Consumers
– Social Causes

Foundational Storytelling:
– First-person
– Emotion
– Memorable
– Objective
– Purpose
– Impact

Short-form Video:
– Facebook
– Instagram
– YouTube
– LinkedIn

– Etc.

Expand Content:
– CSR + Impact Reports
– Websites
– Blogs
– Podcasts
– Thought Leadership

Here’s an example of foundational Voices of Purpose content that inspires other applications including video, social and websites.


There’s never been a more important time to share why purpose matters and how it makes a difference for your business, society and planet. Let’s start a conversation.

By creating and sharing stories of impact, you are advancing a transformational cause, getting business leaders to think about taking the next step to make our world a better place. Being a soulful business, to use your term, is not just the right thing to do, it’s a prerequisite for success.

Ayman Sayed

President, CEO, BMC Software

Andy understands the psychology of proving the power of purpose and creating belief in a cause and for an organization. Voices of Purpose yields high-impact content that we leverage across Facebook, Instagram, LlinkedIn, our website and strategic messaging.

Dot Sheehan

Founder, Operation Hat Trick

Being purposeful creates competitive advantage in a massive way, including attracting amazing employees and customers. It’s important to keep telling stories of impact and spreading the word.

Tom Szaky

Founder, CEO, TerraCycle